Another McFlash game with pixel-sprites, money collectables and shopping for power-ups after you die. Hardly re-inventing the wheel here are we lol, but hey, for what it's worth your game isn't bad at all. After all, if it works, don't break it..
The particle effects you have used are polished and attractive to the eye. I thought the power-ups were well-balanced. Also the time it takes to clock the game is about right. Some love&care has gone into this title.
Good little time-waster this one. It's addictive.
I hope your next game is a little more original though- this one is a little too cookie-cutter for my tastes.
As some people have said, you're hit-box collision detection is a little off. Def need pixel-perfect for this kind of game. Might I recommend Troy Gilbert's adapted Pixel Perfect Col. Class? Works an absolute charm.
Keep it up dude.